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Paediatric Clinical Examination Ebook 23: An Essential Resource for Paediatric Practice


The text takes an evidence-based, patient-centric approach to conducting a clinical examination. In Volume 1, readers follow a logical framework ordered by body system, covering history taking, clinical examination and correlation between physical signs and disease for each system. Volume 2 focuses on medical specialties.

Findings should be reviewed by a clinician with expertise in CSA or paediatric gynecology to ensure that misinterpretation does not occur [21]. Furthermore, a normal physical examination does not exclude the possibility of abuse having occurred. Written documentation should present findings in an objective manner. When a medical history and physical examination are performed by trainees, the most-responsible physician or care provider should also be present and co-sign the report.

paediatric clinical examination ebook 23

Booth, Murphy, and Zebracki present exciting new critical insight on neuropsychological theory and its influence on clinical practice in this accessible and forward-looking publication. With new research and theory on brain-behaviour relationships supported by instructive case studies, this Practical Guide demonstrates how neuroscience and other important factors are driving clinical formulation in paediatric neuropsychology. Rather than being constricted by conventional pathology, this book invites the reader to consider typical and atypical development as nuanced processes. The content serves to inform readers on assessment and intervention for children with commonly occurring and rare conditions, which require close and complex multidisciplinary collaboration.

An essential resource for early-career paediatric neuropsychologists, clinical psychologists, educational psychologists, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, paediatric neurologists, neurodisability and community paediatricians, and specialist nurses.

'A practical and up-to-date guide for paediatric neuropsychologists (with a focus on congenital disorders), this current textbook is a very welcome addition. Leading professionals from around the globe and from different disciplines have contributed to the various chapters. ... That the editors have extensive clinical and research practice from the field comes across in their down-to-earth, applicable, and yet research-based approach.'

Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is the most common paediatric rheumatological disorder and is classified by subtype according to International League of Associations for Rheumatology criteria. Depending on the number of joints affected, presence of extra-articular manifestations, systemic symptoms, serology and genetic factors, JIA is divided into oligoarticular, polyarticular, systemic, psoriatic, enthesitis-related and undifferentiated arthritis. This review provides an overview of advances in understanding of JIA pathogenesis focusing on aetiology, histopathology, immunological changes associated with disease activity, and best treatment options. Greater understanding of JIA as a collective of complex inflammatory diseases is discussed within the context of therapeutic interventions, including traditional non-biologic and up-to-date biologic disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs. Whilst the advent of advanced therapeutics has improved clinical outcomes, a considerable number of patients remain unresponsive to treatment, emphasising the need for further understanding of disease progression and remission to support stratification of patients to treatment pathways.

Clinical symptoms, family history, laboratory markers and instrumental examinations (ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging) are used to determine JIA subtype. Physical examination findings are paramount and include signs of arthritis (pain, tenderness, stiffness and swelling of synovial joints) and extra-articular findings (such as rash, lymphadenopathy, dactylitis, nail changes). Laboratory tests for HLA-B27, RF or anti-CCP antibody identifies the subtype of JIA and the risk of bone erosions and joint damage. Myeloid-related protein (MRP)8, MRP14 and IL18 may be used as biomarkers for active sJIA, whereas HLA-B27 is predictive of ERA [41]. ANA and RF are useful for the diagnosis of oligo and pJIA subtypes [41]. ANA is associated with increased risk of chronic non-granulomatous uveitis, which is the most common extra-articular manifestation of JIA and is typically asymptomatic but has an elevated risk of causing visual impairment. Aljaberi et al. (2020) reported higher levels of pro-inflammatory calcium-binding S100 proteins in sJIA patients compared to other autoinflammatory syndromes. However, other studies have revealed that high baseline S100A12 concentration is associated with higher disease activity and response to methotrexate (MTX) and anti-TNF therapy in patients with JIA including pJIA, ERA, oligoarticular and psoriatic arthritis [44]. Thus, S100A8/9 and S100A12 proteins are subclinical inflammation markers that may help with diagnosis and monitoring disease activity [45].

Examining children presents unique challenges for trainees and new doctors in paediatrics. Paediatric patients vary greatly in age and development, often find it difficult to describe their symptoms, and can behave unpredictably in clinical settings. Clinical Examination Skills in Paediatrics helps MRCPCH candidates and other practitioners learn effective history taking and fundamental examination techniques.

Includes access to a companion website containing high-quality videos that demonstrate techniques, procedures and approachesFeatures commentary by experienced practitioners which offer observations and deductions at each stage of the examination processOffers tips for communicating effectively with the patients using appropriate lay termsHelps translate the symptoms and signs experienced by patients into medical-speakCovers all the skills tested in the MRCPCH Clinical examClinical Examination Skills in Paediatrics is the perfect study and reference guide for paediatrics trainees, MRCPCH candidates, foundation doctors, allied healthcare professionals, and anyone looking to improve their clinical and communication skills in paediatrics.

An essential introduction to the clinical examination, treatment and surgical procedures for children with diseases of the ear, nose and throat. This book encompasses the conditions most commonly encountered in the emergency setting, on the ward and in the outpatient clinic.With its highly practical approach and step-by-step guidance,this book will be invaluable for all surgical trainees studying for higher postgraduate examinations in ENT, as well as an essential guide for otorhinolaryngologists, primary care practitioners and specialist ENT nurses in the early years of training. 2ff7e9595c


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